# Analytical Sphere Cluster Generator. # Programing and Algorithm design: Brian Shoichet, 09/89 # last mod. 02/90. # mod. 09/08/89. # thanx to ralph for the discussions. # initial reclustering program 02/89. # adapted from the heuristic algorithm of Kuntz, 1982. # time ~/bin/cluster << EOI set out = sph.rc # cluster << EOI sph 0 4.0 0.0 10.0 70 20 0 $out Y 1.4 0.10 0.80 0.80 EOI grep num $out |awk '{print $0,NR}' # rclu2pdb $out >! $out:r.pdb # # input file: all-spheres file from SPHGEN (with cluster number) # which cluster number. # maximum primary sphere radius for clustering (rcut end point). # maximum secondary sphere radius for clustering. # percent overlap between 2 spheres to define a pair. # maximum cluster size above which cluster growth is frozen. # minimum cluster size b4 it can be written to disk. # minimum number of flagged spheres in a cluster b4 it can be written. # output file # analytical clustering? (Y/N) # if Y then: # minimum value for primary radius (rcut start point). # increment for iterating rcut. grep -v '#' rclust.com |awk '{if ($1=="nice") print; else printf("%s ",$1)}END{print}' >! rclustlog